The WOODY2 STOCKS. this is our most advanced anatomical it is built system, for fine-tuning your Puma TVG stock fit, with a wood finish, for those that like the grain. We have different grades available & we will take each order as it is meant to be a Custom built to your block.

The Woody2 has all the benefits of the Puma TGV encased in wood. We can make this for almost all guns please contact us for details prices start at ÂŁ1400.00 for a custom Anatomical stock that will give you enhance performance.

Woody2 with a TVG butt plate
The variable geometry heel (TGV) of the Puma stock allows a perfect adjustment of the heel to the morphology of the shoulder of each shooter, which induces:

Information Shoot-Off Monde ? :Pôle Recherche et Développement ( R&D )Bonjour à tous , je souhaite aujourd’hui vous présenter la dernière née de nos innovations technologiques dans le domaine des crosses ergonomiques : Le Système de Busc Inclinable Puma dit SBI .Le busc SBI améliore l’adaptabilité de réglage du busc à la morphologie du visage en ajoutant une nouvelle possibilité d’ajustement , jamais encore proposée par aucune autre société , à savoir l’inclinaison du repose joue à droite ou à gauche par rapport au plan sagittal , lui même perpendiculaire à l’axe frontal du tireur ( Voir Vidéo ) .Le busc SBI conservant l’intégralité de toutes les autres possibilités de réglage et d’ajustement du busc Puma traditionnel , à savoir Cast off , Droit et gauche , Hauteur de pente , Angulation antéro/postérieure , et positionnement avant / arrière , devient sans aucun doute le busc le plus adaptable du marché et représente véritable innovation technologique majeure .D’un point de vue purement pratique , le nouveau Busc SBI permet la possibilité de positionnement de la tête dans le but de obtenir un ajustement des deux yeux à l’horizontale parfaite et un relâchement de toute la musculature cervicale .De ce fait , la cinématique du mouvement en phase de tir dynamique sera beaucoup plus souple , précise et reproductible , et le confort de tir inégalable .Bien réglé, en le positionnant sur le segment de droite formé par la bande du fusil et le talon , le busc SBI vous évitera de lever la joue durant le tir en mouvement , faute technique bien connu de tous les tireurs , toutes disciplines aux plateaux confondues .Le busc SBI est un système breveté .Shoot-Off Monde ? , pour l’amour du tir aux plateaux ❤️À très bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures , Pierre BoutinDesignerArchitecte de Crosse

Posted by Pierre Boutin on Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Woody2 Sporting standard

Woody Stock – Custom Made.

**High Grade Timber is also available, please contact us for a price.

The Woody Stock locks the gun into position and significantly reduces the involuntary gun movement that critically affects accuracy. This provides you with a shotgun that shoots exactly where you want it to!

Being 100% adjustable, it allows for the accurate adjustment of the comb and butt sections into 5 positions. It also gives you the ability to accurately and easily set comb height, cast and angle to prevent head lifting, cheek bruising and misalignment issues. All these various adjustments can be made accurately, quickly and easily thanks to a pair of simple, identical adjustable fixtures that negate the need for a system that requires several complicated mechanisms.


Our fine blanks are graded using the European grading system for blanks used by the suppliers of “Turkish” walnut.

Today it is impossible to know the exact origin of high-grade English walnut, but most of it is classified as Turkish as it originates from Turkey and the countries in that region.

Class 1 – The proverbial “fence post” walnut, fast grown open-pored and completely plain, used on entry level guns only.

Class 2 – Good straight grain walnut with smaller pores than the Class one, generally very little figure, blanks of this grade will usually end up on the low end of A grade.

Class 2.5 – Like Class 2 but with some figure, will produce a stock in the A to AA grade.

Class 3 – Well figured blank, generally used on higher quality guns such as the Beretta 687EELL or Browning grade V. It will finish out in the AA to AAA grade range.

Class 3.5 – Blanks which will be fancier than the Class three and will be in the AAA range bordering the Exhibition grade.

Class 4 – These blanks are considered in the “Best” category and will definitely finish out as Exhibition grade. These blanks will be superior in the figure and colour contrast.

Class 4.5 – A Class 4 blank with extravagant features which deem it above and beyond the Class 4 standard.

Class 5 – The finest blank available at any price, these are the rarest of all gunstock blanks, for example, of 100 Class 4 and 4.5 blanks, one may find one blank so exceptional it is considered as Class 5.