Virtual High Rib Kit (Two Heights)


Virtual High Rib Kit with two sets of front sight and rear base unit attachments. Please see the description below for more details, including information on measuring your gun’s rib width.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Virtual High Ribs come with two 10mm high base pieces which fix to the front and rear of your existing barrel rib. Front sights and rear rib units of differing highs can then be attached to the two bases. This means the virtual rib height can be adjusted rapidly on a single gun between four different heights:
  • 12mm
  • 15mm
  • 20mm
  • 25mm

We have four Virtual High Rib Kits available, the difference between them being the number of front sight and rear rib units that come with it. Ranging from a single set to a set of four; one set for each height. This kit comes with two sets of front sights and rear rib units.

Rib Width Measurement Guide

To send you Virtual High Rib bases that fit your gun we need to know your width of your gun’s rib at the front and rear of the barrel. Please enter these measurements using the drop down boxes on the purchase form above.

Rib Measurement Guide

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